Cakrawala NTT
About 112 students of SMPN 2 Amarasi Barat of Kupang
Regency started to follow the examination on March 14, 2016. Journalist of
Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT saw that on that morning all the students of SMPN
2 Amarasi Barat came to their school enthusiastically. They bring their pencil,
ruler, etc. Before they followed the examination in their class, they attended
a flag ceremony.
Naaman Bia, S.Pd; head master of SMPN 2 Amarasi Barat
on that ceremony appreciated all his students who came to school earlier in
order to follow the examination. He gave motivation to all the students to
follow the examination well. “I believe that all of you have prepared yourself
well in facing this examination,” said Naaman. He also hoped that all his
students can do the examination honestly. (*)