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Bajawa, Cakrawala NTT

In welcoming HARDIKNAS (National Education Day) 2016, all the students in Golewa District, Ngada Regency prepare their selves in a variety of activities, such as the preparation in sport and art field. Besides that, students in all schools in Golewa District also prepare their selves to attend the contest of dressing in traditional way.   
Felix Kune, S.Pd, the head of the branch office of PPO Department in Golewa District said that the contest must be prepared by the students long before, so the students can attend the contest in National Education Day well. He explained that there will be some contests in National Education Day. One of the contests is reading, writing and counting contest. Dealing with that contest, the students must be prepared well by the teacher, so they are ready to attend the contest.
The head master of SDI Wajamala, Vitus Modestus Dora, S.Pd also said that the contests that will be held in National Education Day give chance for the students to improve their talent. He said that he usually supports the students who will attend the contest by guiding them during their preparation time. (*)
The students of SDI Wajamala, Golewa District of  Ngada Regency prepare their selves  
to attend the contest of traditional music that will be held on HARDIKNAS 2016
Some of the students in Golewa District of Ngada Regency prepare their selves 
to attend the contest of sport on HARDIKNAS 2016 by practicing volley ball 
The students of SDN Linajawa Were, Golewa District of Ngada Regency prepare their selves
to attend the contests that will be held on HARDIKNAS 2016

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