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The secretary of V commission of assembly at provincial of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Anwar Hajral, ST and the General Manager of Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT, Agustinus Rikarno, S.Fil., discussed together in the Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT office before opened journalism training for the university students on January 16th, 2016
Kupang, Cakrawala NTT 

On January 16th, 2016, there are some students of Pelita Hati University Kupang followed journalism training in Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT office. That is the first meeting of the training which is planed to be done  every Saturday afternoon during a month. Journalism training that holds for the university students is one of programs made by Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT in order to create young journalist in NTT and also to improve their knowledge about journalism, how to write news, and also how to write a scientific paper. In that training, the members of formation division of Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT explained about how to be a good journalist, how to write a paper, and how to publish their writing, etc. Besides that, journalist of Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT also shared their experiences for the university students.

In that meeting, Agustinus Rikarno, S.Fil explained about Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT. He said that nowadays people are lazy to write something and never realize that writing is very important. Gusty said that by reading, we can know the world and by writing we can be known by the world. Besides that, Gusty also thanked the secretary of V commission of assembly at provincial of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Anwar Hajral, ST who came to Cakrawala NTT office to open that journalism training. He also thanked the university students who followed the training.  

Jounalism training opened by the secretary of V commission of assembly at provincial of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Anwar Hajral, ST. In his speech Anwar appreciated Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT who gives a new spirit for education in NTT. For the participants of the training, Anwar said that it isn't easy to be success and to have a wide knowledge. Besides that he also explained that to be a journalist, a person must have a good competence in writing, because it is not an easy thing. “Journalist is a good job which will not make us rich, but make us have a wide knowledge,” said Anwar. He also motivated the participants who followed this training.

In following the first meeting of journalism training, the university students were very happy and very enthusiastic. They pay attention to explanation given and asked questions about things that want to be asked. They also discussed about the material given. They acknowledged that this journalism training is an important thing for them, because by following the training, they can improve their writing and journalist skill. Those skills can be used by them when they graduate from their university. 

Related to that training, Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT wants to inform all university students in NTT that Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT opened a journalism training for the university students. The training will be held every Saturday afternoon during a month in Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT office. Participants who followed this training will be known as “young journalist” of Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT and can be a contributor for Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT. Besides that, Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT also gives certificate for the participants who have finished their training. The certificate can be a modal in seeking a job. (JK)

Students of Pelita Hati University who participated in Journalism training in Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT office on January 16th, 2016

The secretary of  V commission of assembly at provincial of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Anwar Hajral, ST and the General Manager of Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT, and the head of  editors, Maxedis Lamawato, S.S., M.Si., discussed together in the Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT before opened journalism training for the university students on January 16th, 2016

The secretary of  V commission of assembly at provincial of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Anwar Hajral, ST gave “young journalist ID card” for the university students of Pelita Hati who participated in Journalism training

The university students of Pelita Hati who participated in Journalism training posed together with The secretary of  V commission of assembly at provincial of East Nusa Tenggara Province, Anwar Hajral, ST, the general manager of Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NT, the head of editor and all the staff of Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT 

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